Now it is time to apply what you have practised to your own design. Don’t think too much just try it out and then judge the results.
- In the Tool Sets Palette there is a Visualisation Sub-Palette (Light Bulb Symbol). Here you will find the Render Bitmap Tool. This is your ‘digital camera’ which we use to take snapshots of our model at different stages of construction.
- Simply drag a marquee around the area to render and it will take a picture (called Bitmap). These will never change. By default the Render Bitmap Tool uses the Open GL render Mode (this can be changed in the Mode Bar).
- It is a good idea to store these pictures on a separate Layer. Make a new Layer and through the Object Info. Palette move the Renders between layers.
- You should now arrange the Bitmaps on the new Layers page. They can also be re-scaled (remember to hold down the Shift Key to maintain proportions).
- This page of Renders can now be printed or exported out of Vectorworks as a PDF or JPEG and used in your Design Development Portfolio to show the progression of your ideas. For Exporting read the Blog notes (Exporting / Printing)
- Remember that the more material you get out of the program the more you will have to work with and show at tutorials.
Even ideas that don’t work are good ideas because they show the working out of an idea.